August 2, 2018
Any time you have time off from school – or even a free afternoon – gives us the perfect opportunity to enjoy the gifts of nature! It can be as simple as taking in a beautiful sunset, enjoying the beauty of the winter sky – or going on a hike to breathe in the local Southern California sights and sounds of our surroundings.
More and more, parents, grandparents, pediatricians and teachers are looking for ways to connect children to the natural world. The health benefits of being outside are widely know:
If you’re ready for a little more Vitamin N in your child’s life, here are resources to help your students to find places to hike nearby: Hiking resources
The Agents of Discovery mobile game provides extra incentives to explore the SoCal ecosystem. Learn more here: SoCal Explorer Campaign
Take the Vitamin N Challenge and find out what a dose of nature can do for you, your family, and your community: Vitamin N Challenge
Learn more through additional research about the benefits of nature: Children and Nature Network